What is CodeIgniter?
CodeIgniter is a PHP MVC framework and we will use CodeIgniter to make website or web application. Using CodeIgniter we will make website very fast. In CodeIgniter so many library is already make development very fast.
What is framework?
Framework is readymade structure when we will make website or application than framework provide a base of project. In framework so many method is already tested.
What is library?
Library is pre written code file than we will use in our project to development fast. Using Library we are using short line of code.
Feature of CodeIgniter?
- Use MVC pattern
- Make SEO friendly URL for Google Crawl Website
- Form validation library
- Security
- Session management
- Pagination
- Using Hooks
What is MVC?
In CodeIgniter, we are using MVC pattern for develop the website. MVC stand for Model, view, controller.
Model: In model, we are using all data related function like insert, update, show and delete.
View: In view section we will show design part.
Controller: In Controller, we will connect model and view part.